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Look closely. People are struggling in Pinellas County.

In 2012, the economic downturn began to take a toll on families in St. Petersburg, Florida. Gina Wilkins noticed when friends and those she worked with began to feel the impact. Then, this story ran on 60 Minutes and she learned these problems extended to Pinellas County. Gina was compelled to take action, beginning a food donation program out of her house.

Within weeks, Gina learned just how pervasive the problem of chronic childhood hunger was and the overwhelming numbers living with food insecurities in her own community. Unfortunately these problems have not gone away following the economic recovery. The staggering numbers living with hunger have inspired The Kind Mouse to continue to reach more children in need.

Please be advised that Kind Mouse does not provide housing. For your convenience, you will be referred to agencies that provide both food and housing.  




More than 7,000 children in Pinellas County live with chronic hunger




and more than 36,000 live every day with food insecurities.

Kind Mouse feeds children who have nothing outside of school.



See How The Kind Mouse is Making a Difference


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